The center of food service and culinary skills “Elite Trade”
The company “Elite Trade” gave up the last years to the improvement of services and offers we give to a client. Under the above strategy we announced the year 2017 as the year of Marketing. During that period the company made several market researches. As a result we opened the first center of food service and culinary skills “Elite Trade” beyond the Urals.

In the year 2014 the company entered new region – Chita city. During the year the company became a reliable supplier at the HoReCa market.
While rapid growing in 2012 the company decide to enlarge its footprint and entered the regional market. We started to supply Bratsk city and nearest towns. The same year the company entered the market of Buryatia region and opened a regional branch in Ulan-Ude city (the capital city of Buryatia).
The head of company decided to start supplying the food outlet at the HoReCa market in Irkutsk city and enlarge the product list. Exactly in this year LLC “Trading company “Elite Trade”” started its work.

In the year 2005 the company worked as LLC “MyasOptTorg”. During that period the company supplied only meat products to the food outlet in Irkutsk city.