Key event for healthy lifestyle adepts in Russia – the 8th VEG-LIFE EXPO

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The 1 of February, 2020

From the 13th to the 15th of March the largest exhibition for the healthy lifestyle adepts – Veg-LIFE EXPO – will take place in Moscow.

It will be the 8th time when the exhibition welcomes all the applicants, i.e. 140 companies from Russia, former Soviet Union and Europe, which will represent more than 3500 items of goods for the healthy lifestyle and conscious consumption.

More than 6000 of people will visit the exhibition those 3 days. These are the people “moving with times” who take care about one’s health, beauty and consciously choose the products and services.

Delegates of national and local retail chains, distribution companies and online shop visit the exhibition VEG-LIFE EXPO every year to find new healthy lifestyle products.

The market of the goods for healthy lifestyle and vegan was growing in 2019 and shows a stable growth in 2020 as well. Here there are some measures:

  • 49% of Russian consumers want to buy natural products
  • 40% of buyers always pay attention to the content marked at the packings
  • 37% of Russians are ready to pay a premium price for goods with the best components and additional nutritional properties
  • 84% of general public shifted to healthy eating
  • The source of FMCG market growth is recognized not in top 10 producers but in small local brands. More and more often clients chose the retail chains with wide range of healthy goods at their shelves (Source – agency Nielsen, Helena Korol’khova)

The exhibition differs from others carried out for the present moment in Russia. VEG-LIFE EXPO is not only the space for the development of healthy eating business in Russia but the place for communication of healthy lifestyle and vegan adepts. The visitors will be able to speak directly with the producers of ethic goods, to listen to the speakers and compare notes, experience and to spend the time with great pleasure at the cool place.

Key peculiarities of VEG-LIFE EXPO

  • 6 000 visitors for 3 days
  • 140 participating companies from Russia and other countries
  • Free entrance for all visitors
  • Evet is focused on B2C and B2B segments
  • Panel meeting with the delegates of retail chains and participating companies from healthy goods market of Russia
  • More than 30 speakers: experts, physicians, nutritionists and star-celebrities
  • Rigorous approach to the choice of participating companies in order to make the diverse range of goods and services featured in the exhibition
  • Most-advanced space in the center of Moscow – DANILOV EVENT HALL

Information is taken from

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