An American chain “Whole Foods Market” has just published the list of eating trends for the year 2020. Next year the main stream will be about environmentally conscious nutrition. Restaurant and cafes are to reconsider their attitude to non-alcoholic short drink, threw away regular children’s menu and open the kitchen to new ingredients habitual to cuisine of Western Africa. Let’s see what experts offer to us.
Focus on regenerative agriculture
Regenerative or recovery agriculture is a complex method of growing vegetables, fruits and croppers without pesticides and other chemicals which helps recover soil, enlarge the biodiversity, make the best use of fresh water, enhance the climate resilience and keep the farmers wealth. Regenerative agriculture became a fashion in 2019. Farmers, scientists and consumers continue to pay their attention to climate changes and food supply efficiency. New brands are expected to come to the market with their recovery agricultural technologies.
The taste of Western Africa cuisine
Cuisine of Western Africa includes a wide range of products and is general for 16 counties. The history of cuisine and its recipes developed by centuries and combined several cultures (Arabian, Portuguese, French and local ones). Here there are several ingredients: gambo, monkey-bread, okra, fonio, yam, teff grass and millet along with super products like horseradish tree and the leaves of tamarind tree. This variety is already in our shops.
Rethink of children’s menu
Millennials bring up a new generation of food lovers facilitating a trend. It is noticed that millennials do not separate the food for children and adult. That is the cause why classical children’s menu becomes a history. It is possible that in the nearest time you will see salmon sticks without coating, organic chicken nuggets and pasta made of alternate flour. New generation of kids is eating pizza, rolls and other unusual dishes.
Non-alcoholic short-drinks become a main stream
More and more people refuse drinking alcohol with friends and at the parties. That is the cause of non-alcoholic drinks appearance in the cocktail menu. Today an average citizen won’t be surprised to see the names like mocktails, zero-proof and spirit-free. It obvious that some other drinks appear like sparkling beverages with hops, non-alcoholic flankers of different beverages, for example an artificial gin and other alternative cocktails. This trend captures not only restaurants and cafes but goes to the shelves of specialized alcoholic shop.
Alternative kinds of oils
The popularity of veganism doesn’t just walk past the producers of oil. The alternatives of habitual butter and point spread are obtaining the hearts of consumers. We speak about oils made from nuts and seeds, cheakpeas, macadamia (Australian nut) or watermelon seeds. In the nearest time the clients of cafes, restaurants and supermarkets will refuse to buy palm-oil as the production of this oil does a great harm to biological diversity of South-East Asia. For example, the problem of deforestation leads to the danger of extinction for orangoutangs, elephants, rhinoceros which are found in the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
Alternative kinds of flour
A traditional wheat flour gives place to almond flour, coconut flour and even banana flour. This trend touches not only the final baked goods but the production of chips and crackers. More and more consumers prefer snacks made from the alternative types of flour.
Snacks become healthier
Healthy eating goes through the planet and transform usual snacks to healthy quick meals. More people want to see snacks like fruits and vegetables (or containing these ingredients). It is expected that diet bars will appear in the nearest time.
Soy and soybean products are not the only source of vegetable protein
Soy is the leader of vegetable protein content. However, consumers are searching for other variants due to food allergy or model of healthy eating. People turn their attention to other bean cultures (mung beans) and avocado. This trend becomes stronger and soy with soybean products day-by-day loose leading position among veganizes.
Demand for vegetable meat
The popularity of vegetable meat is growing. Burger joints will not only sell alternative patties but make constant experiments with the content ratio of meat. The proportion of beef and vegetables will shift towards to the latter.
Refined sugar will give place to alternative syrups
Syrups made from fruits, coconut, sweet potato and dates will continue “to push out” familiar refined sugar. Th syrups will be used not only by the producers of baked foods and other products but by common buyers at their kitchens as well.
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